I think every southern refrigerator has a gallon of sweet tea in it. If it doesn't, it should! But I have noticed one thing with most people that make sweet tea. They are missing one key ingredient! Read on Sweetie.
To make Southern Sweet tea you will need,
1 gallon-sized tea bag
I cup of sugar ( Can add more if you like it really sweet.)
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. (This makes your tea nice and dark!)
Put everything into a pot with water and boil. Once it boils sit it aside. Add some ice to your gallon jug, then pour your tea into the jug holding back the tea bag with a spoon. Give it a good stir. Add more water to your pot letting the water run over the teabag. Pour into your jug. Keep repeating until the jug is full. Throw out the teabag.
Pour over ice and enjoy a nice glass of dark sweet tea.